Tattoo machine has balance beam that is mounted above electric motor by eccentric disc and connecting rod, and is linearly moved along up-and-down direction
Tätowiermaschine zum Verbringen von Pigmenten mittels einer Nadel unter die Haut von Personen oder anderen Lebewesen, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass ein Elektromotor nach hinten gerichtet auf dem Griffstück befestigt ist und mittels Exzenterscheibe und Pleuel einen Waagebalken, der über dem Motor angebracht ist, in lineare Auf- und Abwärtsbewegungen versetzt.The tattoo machine has an electric motor (2) that is attached to the handle at rear end. A balance beam (5) is mounted above the electric motor by eccentric disc (3) and connecting rod (4), and is linearly moved along up-and-down direction. A spring plate (8) is attached at balance beam to transfer stroke movement of balance beam such that a needle (9) attached at opposite end of spring plate is moved beyond the highest and lowest location of linear stroke to introduce the pigments under the skin of person.