Toy to motivate or train a pet, comprising a first outer shell section (2) and a second outer shell section (2 '), said first and second outer shell sections (2, 2') being arranged to create a space between the pads and further comprising an inlet opening (21, 21 '), preferably comprising an elevated section (29, 29') extending within said space, and said toy also comprising at least one outlet opening (22-24 '), each of said entry and exit openings (22-24') being arranged to connect the indicated space with the outside environment of said toy (1), said toy further comprising at least one prominence (32 ), preferably fixed to said housing section (2, 2 '), said prominence defining a limited transverse opening, characterized in that a flat intermediate section (4) located between the first outer housing section (2) and the I know The second outer shell section (2 ') divides the indicated space into two halves, and because said prominence (32) and limited transverse opening, respectively, are arranged to provide a labyrinth-like path for transverse movement of an object from said inlet opening (21, 21 ') to said outlet opening (22-24').Juguete para motivar o entrenar a una mascota, que comprende una primera sección de carcasa exterior (2) y una segunda sección de carcasa exterior (2'), estando dispuestas dichas primera y segunda secciones de carcasa exterior (2, 2') para crear un espacio entre las mimas y comprendiendo además una abertura de entrada (21, 21'), que comprende preferiblemente una sección elevada (29, 29') que se extiende dentro de dicho espacio, y comprendiendo también dicho juguete al menos una abertura de salida (22-24'), estando cada una de dichas aberturas de entrada y salida (22-24') dispuesta para conectar el indicado espacio con el entorno exterior de dicho juguete (1), comprendiendo además dicho juguete al menos una prominencia (32), preferiblemente fijada a la indicada sección de carcasa (2, 2'), definiendo dicha prominencia una abertura transve