Максимов Алексей Александрович (RU),Максимов Юрий Алексеевич (RU)
Utility model - cultivator relates to a soil tillage implement with the semimounted I.S. agricultural implements and can be used as aggregates for the surface treatment of the soil with tractors with any type of sample. The cultivator comprises a towing device 1 is pivotably connected to the frame of the cultivator 2, fixed on a frame of the cultivator two support wheels 3 and 4, ploskoreznoj operating members 5, the rear attachments 6, the hydraulic system with the front 7 uniformity adjustment mechanism and the depth of treatment ploskoreznoj working bodies, medium 8 and 9, the rear hydraulic cylinders. uniformity of processing depth adjusting mechanism is designed as a front cylinder 7 is pivotably connected to the brackets 10 and 11 fastened to the towing device 1 and the cultivator frame 2. The depth adjustment mechanism of processing ploskoreznoj working elements is in the form fixed on a frame of the cultivator 2 trapezoidal support 12, the upper crossbar which is connected to the support wheel suspension arm 13 by means of hinged secondary hydraulic cylinder 8. The rear attachments is provided with a mechanism D gulirovki machining depth, made in the form of a hydraulic cylinder 9 is pivotally connected to the attachment frame 14 and the frame 2. All cultivator hydraulic cylinders are provided with clip-set inserts 15 installed on their stocks. Cultivator claimed to simplify the adjustment settings for high-quality processing of soil and increase the reliability and accuracy of the adjustment of working bodies.Полезная модель - культиватор относится к почвообрабатывающим агрегатам с полунавесными сельскохозяйственными многосекционными орудиями и может быть использован в агрегатах для поверхностной обработки почвы с тракторами с любым типом навески. Культиватор, содержит прицепное устройство 1, шарнирно соединенное с рамой культиватора 2, закрепленные на раме культиватора 2 опорные колеса 3 и 4, плоскорезные рабочие органы 5, заднее навесное оборудование 6, м