nano titanium dioxide material in modified nanoparticles with functional groups and surface-adsorbed citrus extracts for the removal of a wide range of microorganisms
"nano titanium dioxide material in modified nanoparticles with functional groups and surface adsorbed citrus extracts for the removal of a wide range of microorganisms" The present invention relates to the conjugate of a nano titanium dioxide material and nanoparticles (1-100 nm) based on plant and / or fruit extracts, synthesized by impregnation using titanium dioxide as a support, to which organic functional groups are adsorbed, inorganic radicals and plant extracts that impart At the same time the property of being an antimicrobial agent with a high disinfectant and antiseptic power, the removal of bacteria, fungi, mycobacteria, spores, mycobacteria, protozoa and viruses. This invention is a liquid suspended solid nano material. Said material is prepared by impregnation to disperse functional groups and extract particles, with temperature control to stabilize interactions within the support network. antivirus, bactericide, fungicide, mycobactericide, mycoplasmicidal, anti - protozoa and sporicidal activity of the nanoparticulate biomaterial depends on the particle size of the supporting oxide, the functionalization and dispersion of adsorbed extracts on the surface. functional groups may include hydroxyl, carboxyl, amine, sulfate, phosphate, and supports may be titanium dioxide, silica, zirconia, zinc oxide, alumina and other metal oxides without being restricted to these functional groups, extracts or supports.resumo “nano material de dióxido de titânio em nano partículas modificadas com grupos funcionais e com extratos cítricos adsorvidos na superfície, para a remoção de uma vasta gama de microorganismos” a presente invenção relaciona-se com o conjugado de um nano material de dióxido de titânio e nano partículas (1-100 nm) à base de extratos de plantas e / ou de frutas, sintetizados por meio de impregnação, usando dióxido de titânio como suporte, para o qual grupos funcionais orgânicos são adsorvidos, radicais inorgânicos eextratos de plantas que conferem ao me