The invention relates to a farm implement for sowing and decompacting the soil in one single process, characterised by comprising a chassis having a transverse bar with arms in the front portion defining three points at which the implement is coupled to the tractor or the towing vehicle. According to the invention, a base structure is secured to the rear part of the transverse bar with at least one pair of angled and pivoting arms, such that the structure projects rearwards. In addition, one or more seed containers are secured to the structure, the bottom of said containers being equipped internally with a versatile mechanism for metering and depositing the seeds in a conduit connected to a guiding structure for depositing the seeds in the soil. The implement is also characterised by comprising: at least one or a plurality of subsoilers separated from one another and secured with securing means to the first transverse bar, each subsoiler arranged one in front of each seed container, opening-up and loosening the earth and creating a furrow in which the seeds are deposited and anchoring elements fixed at both ends of the transverse bar, having means for adjusting the height of vertical arms supporting, on their lower end, respective axles on which a pair of side wheels of the implement are mounted.La invención se refiere a un implemento agrícola para sembrar y descompactar el suelo en una sola pasada, caracterizado por comprender un chasis con una barra transversal con brazos en la parte frontal que definen tres puntos de acoplamiento del implemento con el tractor o el vehículo de tiro en donde dicha barra transversal comprende fijamente en su parte posterior una estructura base fija con al menos un par de brazos angulados pivotales que la proyectan posteriormente y en la que se fijan uno o una pluralidad de contenedores de semillas que comprenden internamente en el fondo un mecanismo versátil para dosificar y depositar la semilla en un conducto que se conecta en una