An impactor for positioning and holding a surgicalor veterinary prosthetic implant whilst it is being driven into position,said impactor including:- (a) an impaction means; (b) an impactionshoe which is configured to receive and support a prosthetic implantin a predetermined position; (c) connection means which connect theimpaction means to the impaction shoe and are configured to transmitan impact from the impaction means to the impaction shoe; (d) armsconfigured to engage an implant supported upon the impaction shoe;(e) said arms being biased into engagement with said implant, butmovable against the bias out of engagement with the implant; (f) saidconnection means being adjustable between a first setting at whichthe impaction shoe is spring-loaded so as to bias an implant supportedupon the impaction shoe into engagement with said arms but at whichthe impaction shoe can slide relative to said arms, against said springbias; and a second setting at which both the impaction shoe and thearms are rigidly engaged with an implant supported upon the impactionshoe, to hold the implant in a predetermined position and orientationrelative to the impaction means.