A kind of traditional medical equipment counter,Include: an acupuncture case,One control circuit,One unused detector,One used detector and a display; Wherein,The control circuit is set in the what acupuncture case; This, which is not used detector and sets one of the what acupuncture case, is not used in area,On the position of corresponding unused acupuncture; This used detector to set one of the what acupuncture case and used in area,On the position of the corresponding acupuncture used; The display is set on the what acupuncture case; Thereby,The control circuit can receive this be not used detector be not used acupuncture quantity signal,What this used detector used acupuncture quantity signal,And will detect as a result,It shows on the what display,For traditional Chinese physician refering to,When making traditional Chinese physician's what medical treatment,It is not likely to produce the treatment of mistake.一種中醫醫療器材計數器,包括有:一針灸盒、一控制電路、一未使用偵測器、一使用過偵測器及一顯示器;其中,該控制電路設於該針灸盒中;該未使用偵測器設於該針灸盒之一未使用區中,對應未使用之針灸的位置上;該使用過偵測器設於該針灸盒之一使用過區中,對應使用過之針灸的位置上;該顯示器設於該針灸盒上;藉此,該控制電路可接收該未使用偵測器之未使用針灸數量訊號、該使用過偵測器之使用過針灸數量訊號,並將偵測出之結果,顯示於該顯示器上,供中醫師參閱,使中醫師於醫療時,即不易產生錯誤之治療。