The present invention is related to a device attachable to a pill container toalert a person when a pill or a medication has to be taken, the device comprisinga case having a top case (1), a bottom case (2) suitable to engage with the pill container(3), said case comprising a clock and timer electronic circuit (4) to providecurrent time in hours and minutes and to provide an alarm signal, power sourcemeans (5), alarm means responsive to said alarm signal, sensing means (7) fordetecting an access to the pill container (3), memory means (8) to store alarmtime and to record access to the pill container, a LCD unit (10) to display currenttime, alarm time and information relating to the compliance of pills, a LCD lens(11), selector means (12) comprising means (13) to set the time clock, means (14)to set the alarm, means (15) to adjust clock time or adjust clock alarm time.