The Testis ketone element Hydrogen alcohol that one Seed The change Jin coagulates Rubber the and Testis ketone element purposes that Rubber is coagulated with System Prepare Testis ketone element Hydrogen alcohol Testis ketone element Hydrogen alcohol coagulates Rubber Department and applies what people Body to penetrate skin Skin, and covering the HE Seoul of patient in Drug object Move power Learn can and Number value wide with Da to the Wheels for meeting expectation.一種經改進之睪酮素氫醇凝膠及睪酮素用以製備睪酮素氫醇凝膠之用途,睪酮素氫醇凝膠係用以穿透皮膚而施用於人體,使患者之賀爾蒙在藥物動力學中可以達到符合期待的輪廓及數值。