One kind can manual energy storage type electric mosquito flap,System includes: an electric mosquito flap,One push type electric storage means and a power displays are formed,Electric shock net is equipped on the inside of the frame of the electric mosquito flap,And the Hou end of what handle opens up an assembly mouth; And push type electric storage means system is installed in what assembly mouth,And the power supply line of its power supply linear system and electric shock net is electrically connected,Its top projection of what again goes out a pressure handle,The one switching switch of bottom pivot joint of the pressure handle,For only being fixed to manipulate pressure handle pop-up or lower clinching,And when obtaining the pop-up of what pressure handle,It continuously imposes pressing using palm and unclasps,And produce electricl energy,And it is subject to electric power storage; Power displays system rests against what push type electric storage means leading edge again,And be therewith at electric connection,For inspecting the dump power of push type electric storage means at any time. By it, and can battery-free, and Manual press mode must be adopted and be powered at any time and electric power storage, to reach the effectiveness that uses that is easy to use, saving the energy and environmental protection, it is simultaneous can be used as palm hand gripper can manual energy storage type electric mosquito flap.一種可手動蓄電式電蚊拍,係包含:一電蚊拍、一按壓式蓄電器及一電力顯示器所組成,該電蚊拍之拍框內側設有電擊網,並於握把之後端開設一組裝口;而按壓式蓄電器係固置於組裝口內,且其電源線係與電擊網之電源線電性連接,又於其頂部凸設出一壓柄,該壓柄之底部樞接一切換開關,可供用以操控壓柄彈出或下壓扣止固定,並得於壓柄彈出時,利用手掌連續施以按壓與鬆放,而產生電能,並加以蓄電;再電力顯示器係靠置於按壓式蓄電器前緣,且係與之成電性連接,可供隨時檢視按壓式蓄電器之剩餘電力。藉之,而可免用電池,並得採手動按壓方式隨時進行供電及蓄電,以達成使用方便、節省能源及環保之使用效用,兼可作為手掌握力練習之可手動蓄電式電蚊拍。