This new mono- Seed Pet object of type Department dissipates Hot Pads, and packet has included Aluminum Squeeze plates, and the Inter of The Aluminum Squeeze plate two-phase Right planes, which wears Let, two through-holes for being parallel to each other and dividing Do two end Edge of what The Aluminum Squeeze platesEven Jie Block , The Even Jie Block include two can Right Should The Tong Kong Tight with insertion bond post, bis- end Edge Inter of the ends Er Fen Do Ao Let Yu The Even Jie Block Edge mono- Shaft Turn Cao With Zhi Shao Yi Let Yu The Even Jie Block connecting portionZhe Zhao Block, The Zhe Zhao Block include at least one can Right Should The connecting portions engagement hook joint part, two-phase Right what The mono- Shaft Turn slots bis- Shaft Turn Cao With Let what The bis- Shaft Turn notches Edge recess portionChain Knot Shaft parts, The Chain Knot Shaft parts position what The recess portions include the bis- Shaft columns of two mono- Shaft columns, the Er Fen Do With The mono- Shaft Zhu Tong Shaft hearts, wherein The mono- Shaft Zhu Shaft Let whats The mono- Shaft Turn slot Inner, and The bis- Shaft Zhu Shaft Let what The bis- Shaft Turn slots InnerSuch as it is to provide Pet objects to dissipate outside the cost Negative Tam of function energy With Festival provinces retail consumer of Hot With foldings Stacked collections, the more offer faces Two can all make to prevent the additional function to slip with With, effectively reduce cost.本新型係一種寵物散熱墊,包括有鋁擠板,該鋁擠板二相對平面之間穿設有二相互平行且分別位於該鋁擠板二端緣的通孔;連接塊,該連接塊包括有二可對應該通孔緊配插入的接合柱、二分別凹設於該連接塊端緣的第一軸轉槽與至少一設於該連接塊二端緣之間的勾接部;遮罩塊,該遮罩塊包括有至少一可對應該勾接部接合的勾接件、二相對於該第一軸轉槽的第二軸轉槽與設於該第二軸轉槽口緣的凹部;鏈結軸件,該鏈結軸件位於該凹部,包括有二第一軸柱、二分別與該第一軸柱同軸心的第二軸柱,其中該第一軸柱軸設於該第一軸轉槽內,而該第二軸柱軸設於該第二軸轉槽內;如是提供寵物散熱與摺疊收藏的功能與節省消費者的成本負擔外,更提供兩面皆可使用與防止滑倒的附加功能,有效降低成本。