A vision testing method and apparatus are disclosed, the method including measuring the modulation to a wavefront of light that is imparted by an intra-ocular lens, determining the wavefront modulation necessary to emulate the optical properties of the IOL after it replaces the crystalline lens in a patient's eye, generating a static or dynamic image viewable by a patient, modulating the wavefront of the image remote from the patient to attain the wavefront that necessary to emulate the optical properties of the IOL after it is implanted, and relaying said wavefront to a plane nearby, on, or within the patient's eye. The apparatus includes devices for measuring the modulation to a wavefront of light that is imparted by an intra-ocular lens, determining the wavefront modulation necessary to emulate the optical properties of the IOL after implantation in a patient's eye, generating a static or dynamic image viewable by a patient, modulating the wavefront of the image remote from the patient to attain the wavefront necessary to emulate the optical properties of the IOL after it is implanted, and relaying said wavefront to a plane nearby, on, or within the patient's eye.