The present invention declares a pharmaceutical extract, composition that haseffect to treat drug addiction, and its preparation method and quality controlmethod. This extract is extracted from Radix Stephaniae Epigaeae. Startingmedicine material of said composition is Radix Ginseng, Radix Astragali,Rhizoma Corydalis, Radix Angelicae Sinensis and Radix Ophiopogonis; and saidcomposition also can prepared by ethanol extract of Radix Ginseng, ethanolextract of Radix Angelicae Sinensis, total alkaloids of Radix StephaniaeEpigaeae,water extract of Radix Astragali and water extract of Radix Ophiopogonis.Quality control method of said pharmaceutical composition includes one of orseveral of identifications and content determinations. The present inventionalsodeclares the use of said pharmaceutical extract, composition in thepreparation ofa medicine to treat drug addiction.