Кузьмичев Алексей Васильевич (RU),Тихомиров Дмитрий Анатольевич (RU),Трунов Станислав Семенович (RU),Кузьмичев Илья Алексеевич (RU),Кошелев Геннадий Викторович (RU),Тупичкина Татьяна Семеновна (RU)
The invention relates to agriculture, namely, to installations local heating designed to create the required temperature parameters in young animals finding the area in production facilities of livestock farms.The object of the proposed utility model is that it can be used with industrial equipment, intended for the breeding of young animals (machines, cells, etc.), Ensuring the required temperature parameters of the entire set recreation area of pigs in accordance with the process of designing livestock production, reducing heat loss through the heater and increase plant efficiency.The use of the proposed utility model, there is a possibility of its use with standard industrial equipment, intended for cultivation and young animal housing, to guide the heat flow only in the zone of young animals location and provide a uniform temperature field over the entire area of their content, thereby to increase their safety, productivity , reduce the unit cost of feed per unit gain, to provide heat energy savings.The radiant electric heater of young animals comprising a metallic rectangular housing, the flat heating element, a reflector, thermal insulation, protective grille fixing lugs comprises a flat heating element with a surface temperature of 380 ± 30 ° C, the length and width of which are in accordance with the size of the heated platform industry standard equipment for keeping young animals, on the radiator housing a fan whose axis is vertically fixed in the center of the body, and the top Thread axis of the fan is attached to the enclosing structure heated pad standard industrial equipment for keeping young animalsПолезная модель относится к сельскому хозяйству, а именно к электроустановкам локального обогрева, предназначенным для создания требуемых параметров температуры в зоне нахождения молодняка животных в производственных помещениях животноводческих ферм.Задачей предлагаемой полезной модели является возможность ее использования с промышленным оборудованием,