Invention herewith described refers to the device for invasive cardio-circulatory resuscitation. A large-volume syringe with a mechanism for the easier manual drive (100) is connected to the access cannula (200) with a large inner lumen placed into the left ventricular cavity of the circulatory arrest victim. A rearward movement of the manually actuated lever enables aspiration of a large volume of the oxygenated blood out of the left ventricle and of the left atrium into the big syringe. By the manual forward movement of the lever, the blood is injected back into the left ventricle through the same access cannula. The left ventricular inflow check valve i.e. mitral valve closes during the injection due to increased left ventricular pressure. Since the volume of the injected blood exceeds the volume capacity of the non-contracting left ventricle, the surplus of injected blood is through the aortic valvula transported into the aorta. Repeating this manoeuvre as long as necessary provides vascularisation of the vital organs during arrest of spontaneous circulation. In the process, the right heart functions as the passive pathway based on the pressure difference between aorta and the right and left atrium, additionally aided by dynamics of mechanical ventilation.Prikazana je naprava za invazivno kardio-cirkulatorno oživljavanja. Šprica velikog volumena sa mehanizmom za olakšani manuelni pogon (100) spojena je sa pristupnom kanilom velikog unutrašnjeg lumena (200) smestenom u vrh leve komore žrtve zastoja srca i krvotoka. Ručnim pokretanjem poluge unazad omogućena je aspiracija velikog volumena oksigenisane krvi iz leve komore i leve pretkomore u veliku špricu. Ručnim pokretanjem poluge unapred ubrizgava se krv nazad u levu komoru kroz istu pristupnu kanilu. Levo ventricularni ulazni ventil (mitral valve) se zatvara za vreme ubrizgavanja krvi u levu komoru pod velikim pritiskom. Postoje količina krvi koja se ubrizgava veća od količine krvi koju pasivna (nekontrahujuca)