The present invention relates to a flocking apparatus for hair transplantation for transplanting hair epilation sites , particularly during hair transplant , the personalized , the thickness of the skin tissue layers in the scalp , the flocking needle root is inserted length is related to extremely useful flocking device that can be accurately fine adjustment and setting the . [ Selection Figure Figure 2本発明は、脱毛部位に毛髪を移植するための毛髪移植用の植毛器に関し、特に、毛髪移植時に、個人別に、頭皮内の皮膚組織層の厚さによって、毛根が挿入される植毛針の長さを精度よく微調節及びセッティングできる極めて有用な植毛器に関する。【選択図】図2