Due to the increase in the labour scarcity and heavy work load in turmeric plantation which extends the planting time causes the farmers to drop the turmeric cultivation in many areas. In order to overcome the above problems, tractor drawn manual turmeric rhizome planter which reduces drastically the labour requirement and cost of labour than the conventional turmeric planting methods and thereby reduces the time consumption and increasing the yield of turmeric. Using this method 3 labours are seated behind the plough with a box attached to plough and rhizomes are dropped in ridges through a pipe as per the requirement of distance between plants, minimum requirement must be 25cm (can be increased further) between each and every plant. This method uses 7 plough arms, 3 in front and 4 in back. The 3 arms in front make ridges and 4 in back close the ridges and makes furrows over it. The rhizomes are dropped in the ridges through a pipe behind the front 3 arms, and are closed by remaining 4 arms. This invention is very useful for the turmeric growers for planting in large scale.