RUSSO, Davide,Spreafico, Christian,Caputi, Antonio,Carrara, Paolo,Sala, Niccolò,Rusnati, Francesco,Rocco, Manuel
Object of the invention is an ambulation assistance wearable device and method, the device comprising: at least one support (2) intended to be removably attached to the body of a person, in a respective attachment position; at least power supply means (3) anchored to said at least one support (2); at least one light source (4, 41, 42) mounted on such at least one support (2) and electrically connected to at least such power supply means (3), the at least one light source (4, 41, 42) being intended to, in use, emit at least one beam of visible light (5, 51, 52) towards the ground, at least at one front stepping point (6, 61, 62) to which the person has to move the foot and to generate in said point a bright spot, in order to move forward along an ambulation direction (x-x); at least sensor means (8) intended to detect at least one control parameter (pc) identifying the ambulation condition; and at least one processing unit (9) operatively connected to the at least power supply means (3), the at least one light source (4, 41, 42) and the at least sensor means (8), which is intended to control the activation-deactivation of the at least one light source (4, 41, 42) as a function of such at least one control parameter (pc). The control parameter corresponds to an angle or a displacement measurement related to the instant position of at least one part of the body of the person, during ambulation.