The invention describes a method that is used for the application of DNA barcodes rather than the generation of those sequences. Specifically, a new method for creation of electronic barcodes assisted with DNA barcodes is described for effective use of DNA sequence from a biological specimen to a library of reference DNA barcode sequences in particular NCBI database. As a result of this comparison, the specimen can quickly identify and categorized. In accordance with an aspect of the invention, there is provided a method for identification DNA barcode sequences for a barcode database, the method comprising the steps of: receiving a DNA barcode sequence editing the received DNA barcode sequence by removing all characters except those characters uniquely identifying one of the four nucleotide subunits of a DNA strand submitting the edited DNA barcode sequence to NCBI database for getting unique accession number, associating this accession number with its scientific species name using software for creating unique electronic barcode labels for further use in sale or export of the fish/ crustacean/mollusk.