Coating method useful for coating medical instruments, implants and/or fixators, comprises activating a surface of an article to be coated, applying a galvanic copper layer, and applying a biocompatible gas phase surface coating
Beschichtungsverfahren mit wenigstens folgenden Schritten in nachfolgender Reihenfolge:– Aktivierung (102) einer Oberfläche eines zu beschichtenden Gegenstandes (1),– Aufbringen (104) einer galvanischen Kupferschicht (5),– Aufbringen (105) einer biokompatiblen Gasphasen-Oberflächenbeschichtung (7).Coating method comprises (a) activating (102) a surface of an article to be coated, (b) applying (104) a galvanic copper layer, and (c) applying (105) a biocompatible gas phase surface coating. Independent claims are also included for: (1) an article comprising at least one metallic surface, which is coated by the above method; and (2) a coating for the article, comprising at least one galvanic copper layer and the biocompatible gas phase surface coating.