An implantable tissue reinforcement device useful for treating or preventing the formation of parastomal hernias forming about a surgically created stoma. The tissue reinforcement device can comprise a synthetic or mammalian-derived sheet-like graft member, such as a resorbable material that promotes tissue ingrowth, wherein a sizing pattern is included that comprises linear indicia radiating outward from a stomal aperture. The linear indicia facilitate creation of a resized stomal opening in the graft member sufficiently large to allow passage of the resected bowel portion. A series of cuts made along the indicia create a plurality of flaps about the resized opening that are configured to abut the bowel portion and enhance reinforcement the stomal region after implantation. In one embodiment, the linear indicia comprises a series of weakened (e.g., perforated) lines that facilitate the cutting of the material by a scalpel, scissors, etc. The clinician resizes the stomal opening to a known diameter using reference indicia, such as diameter indicia and circular guide indicia. The sizing pattern can be imprinted on or etched into the material of the graft member, or it can be at least partially located on a separate template that is either laid over the graft member, preattached as a cuttable overlay, or used as a reference guide.