This invention provides collagen/elastin crosslinking material that can be well used for various purposes, such as medical materials including artificial dermis or scaffolding for cell culture. By crosslinking collagen derived from fishes and elastin derived from fishes, this invention provides collagen/elastin crosslinking materials that can be well used for various purposes such as medical materials including artificial dermis or scaffolding for cell culture.本發明提供一種膠原蛋白(collagen)/彈力蛋白(elastin)交聯物。該膠原蛋白/彈力蛋白交聯物能夠充分對應包括人造真皮之醫療用材料及細胞培養基礎材等各種用途。藉由將來自魚類之膠原蛋白與來自魚類之彈力蛋白進行交聯,獲得能夠充分對應包括人造真皮之醫療用材料及細胞培養基礎材料等各種用途之膠原蛋白/彈力蛋白交聯物。