603439 Disclosed is a load sensing and lift cylinder adjusting system for a three-point linkage arrangement (1002) on a tractor (1000). The system includes a control system and load setting system, a load sensing system and a load adjusting system. The load setting system is configured to allow a desired load to be pre-set for lift cylinder(s) (1004) of the three point linkage (1002) when first connected to a towed implement (1001) and prior to commencing a work operation with the implement (1001). Once the load setting system has pre-set the load, the load sensing system is informed of a pre-set load being selected and then monitors the load on the lift cylinder(s) (1004). If the load drops from the pre-set load a signal is sent to the load adjusting system which diverts oil from a pressurised oil supply to the lift cylinder(s) (1004) to maintain the pre-set load. If the pre-set load is exceeded a signal is sent to the load adjusting system which diverts oil from the lift cylinder(s) (1004) back to the tractor hydraulic oil supply.