The invention relates to devices for use in multi-trellis plantations type vines and berries, in particular a wheeled chassis intended for use in the plains and slopes and able to carry out the process of continuous leveling chassis with reliable engagement of the wheels with the ground during the movement on its transverse slope and in overcoming certain irregularities. The proposed construction enables aggregation with properly engineered and grape-uhodnymi block modules (e.g., stamping, a clipping et al.).Tow portal chassis comprises a tow hitch transverse force girder, a pair of vertical struts with the joints, wheel beam, drive wheels mounted in hinged uprights, balancer rope fixed blocks, moving blocks and power cylinders and hydraulic pumps to drive the propeller shaft. Vertical strut power beams made paired and provided with power from above attached rectangular frame, and bottom - tilting additional wheels mounted in vertical hinged consoles horizontal beams L-shaped wheel struts. Vapor hinges vertical portion of L-shaped struts and pairs of paired struts hinges mounted device designed as a parallelogram suspension caster wheel, double-arm beam which blocks with their consoles fastened to the upper hinge coaxial paired struts portal chassis frame. Wherein the ratio of the design parameters of the parallelogram corresponds to the formula: 2L⋅l1≈lo⋅l2Where L - spacing hinge beam power the drive wheel lo - distance from the hinge axis of the strut to the cable fixing axis balancing system to the beam l1, l2 - interaxial distance from the central axis of a two-armed pivot beam to the mobile unit to the pivot axis and the axis of the upper hinge attachment to the vertical portion of the L-shaped rack caster wheels, respectively.Полезная модель относится к устройствам для работы на многолетних шпалерных насаждениях типа виноградников и ягодников, в частности к колесным шасси, предназначенным для работы на равнинах и склонах и способно осуществлять процесс непреры