herbal preparation should be applied in the production of organic food as the bio-stimulator for the increase in plant biomass as well as the increase in yield. In the organic food production there are serious problems with fungal and bacterial infections of plants as well as with parasites (insects and the like). The preparation allows the antifungal and antibacterial protection and prevents the development of many parasites. It also acts as a bio-stimulator for the synthesis of larger amount of chlorophyll in leaves of plants and whereat does not distort the ecological balance of the land. The herbal preparation is chemically composed of the powder obtained from the seeds of medicinal plants bound by the powdered caustic lime (15%) as a stabilizer. The composition of the preparation includes: 1. 5% of plant Origanum vulgare (powdered) 2. 10% of Citric acid C6H8O7 (powdered) 3. 15% of caustic lime - stabilizer (powdered) 4. 70% of the plant Sinapis Alba - White mustard (powdered fruit).Biljni preparat se primenjuje pri proizvodnji organske hrane i kao biostimulator za povećanje biomase biljaka i povećanje prinosa.Pri organskoj proizvodnji hrane postoje ozbiljni problemi sa gljivičnim i bakterijskim infekcijama biljaka kao i parazitima (insekti i slično). Preparat omogućuje antigljivičnu i antibakterijsku zaštitu a i onemogućava razvoj mnogih parazita. Takođe deluje kao biostimulator za sintezu veće količine hlorofila u listovima biljaka a ada pri tome ne narušava ekološku ravnotežu zemljišta. Biljni preparat je hemijski sastavljen od praha iz semena lekovitih biljaka koje vezuje stabilizator gašeni kreč u prahu (15%). U sastav preparata ulaze:1. 5% biljka Origanum Vulgare (u prahu)2. 10% limunska kiselina C6H8O7 (u prahu)3. 15% gašeni kreč - stabilizator (u prahu)4. 70% biljka Sinapis Alba - Bela slačica (samleveni plod u prahu).