A bone anchoring device is provided comprising: a bone anchoring element (2) having a shaft (3) to be anchored in the bone and a head (4) a receiving part (5 500) for receiving a rod (100) to be connected to the bone anchoring element (2) the rod having a longitudinal axis (L) the receiving part (5 500) being formed in one piece and having an open first bore (8) with a first bore axis (9), a recess (10) shaped and sized to receive the rod a second bore (12 120) having a second bore axis (13 130), the second bore being in communication with the first bore (8) and being sized to receive the head (4) with a part of the shaft (3) extending through the second bore (12 120), wherein the second bore axis (13 130) includes an angle of approximately 90 ° with a plane defined by the first bore axis (9) and the longitudinal axis (L) of the rod and a pressure member (20) acting onto the head (4) to lock the position of the head relative to the receiving part.(Fig. 2)本案提供一種骨骼固定裝置,包括:骨骼固定元件(2),有可固定於骨骼之軸部(3)和頭部(4);容納件(5;500),容納要連接於骨骼固定元件(2)之桿(100),桿具有縱軸線(L);容納件(5;500)形成單件,有開口第一腔孔(8),其第一腔孔軸線(9),形狀和尺寸可容納桿之凹部(10);第二腔孔(12;120)有第二腔孔軸線(13;130),第二腔孔係與第一腔孔(8)相通,其尺寸可容納頭部(4),軸部(3)有一部份延伸貫穿第二腔孔(12;120);其中第二腔孔軸線(13;130)與第一腔孔軸線(9)和桿的縱軸線(L)所界定平面,呈大約90°之角度;以及施壓構件(20)作用於頭部,把頭部相對於容納件之位置加以鎖定。4...骨骼固定元件頭部5...容納件6...容納件第一端7...容納件第二端8...第一腔孔9...第一腔孔軸線11...自由股部陰螺紋12...第二腔孔13...第二腔孔軸線14...第二腔孔之一段15...底座16...第三腔孔17...第三腔孔軸線20...施壓元件21...球形凹部22...球形凹部100...桿L...桿的縱軸線α...第一腔孔軸線和第二腔孔軸線之夾角