A biocontrol and growth promotion method of a plant is applied to a specified plant to be grown. The method includes steps of: screening and isolating a specified endophyte testing and confirming that the specified endophyte exhibits biocontrol and growth promotion performance cultivating the specified endophyte in a medium, and then removing the medium to obtain an inoculum solution making the inoculum solution contact with a tissue culture plantlet of the specified plant to be grown, which stands for inoculation subjecting to acclimation and growing the acclimated tissue culture plantlet of the specified plant.一種植物的生物防治與生長促進方法,應用於一欲栽培植物,包含下列步驟:自欲栽培植物中篩選分離出一內共生菌;測試確認該內共生菌具有特定生物防治與生長促進效果;以培養基進行該內共生菌的培養後,去除培養基取得一接種液;使該接種液與該欲栽培植物的組培苗接觸,靜置接種;進行馴化;以及以馴化後的欲栽培植物的組培苗進行栽種。無