The present invention provides a method and device to image the fundus of the eye using polarized light which includes circular polarization. The invention is most broadly comprised of a device to generate polarization states of light, including circularly polarized light (i.e. potentially combinations of elliptically polarized light and depolarized light combined, elliptically polarized light alone, or circularly polarized light with depolarised light or circularly polarized light alone). This light can be used with any fundus imaging device including but not limited to fundus cameras, scanning laser ophthalmoscopes, confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscopes, optical coherence tomography instruments, with or without some form of wavefront correction. This is a change from common fundus imaging systems which use randomly polarized light or linearly polarized light. The simplest implementation of this is a quarter wave plate (or equivalent retarder) combined with a linear polarizer located after the light source and before the eye. The QWP can be rotated to produce differing circular and elliptical polarizations of light which are ideal for imaging differing structures at the rear of the eye for different people.Linvention porte sur une méthode et un dispositif dimagerie du fond de loeil utilisant de la lumière polarisée et dont de la lumière à polarisation circulaire. Linvention porte donc très largement sur un dispositif permettant de créer des états de polarisation de lumière dont de lumière à polarisation circulaire (par exemple des combinaisons potentielles de lumière polarisée elliptiquement de lumière dépolarisée, de lumière polarisée seule, de lumière polarisée circulairement et de lumière dépolarisée ou de lumière polarisée seule. Ces lumières peuvent être utilisées avec tout appareil dimagerie du fond de loeil dont non limitativement avec des caméras, des ophtalmoscopes laser, des ophtalmoscopes laser confocaux, des instruments de tomographie à cohérence opti