The subject of the invention is the interaction of technological systems that enable self-sufficiency of buildings with solar energy in accordance with the public electricity system and biotechnological systems of self-sufficiency of residents of urban and rural settlements with sustainably produced food. The realization of the set goal is enabled by the self-supply of the building with solar energy in accordance with the public electricity system, which is provided by the technological solution of self-supply of buildings with solar and electricity, based on the implementation of which are on the roof. buildings on the north side of the mounted photovoltaic hybrid thermal panels (1) at an angle optimal for latitude, with photovoltaic hybrid thermal panels (1) in the summer to store heat in the ground 5 to 7 meters deep so that the ground heats up to more than 45 degrees C and the heat is used to heat water intended for washing, cooking, washing, dishwashing, heating greenhouses and pools for aquapone breeding of freshwater fish and other needs, and thus the implementation of biotechnological systems of self-sufficiency of urban and rural settlements with sustainable production food.Predmet izuma je sovplivanje tehnoloških sistemov, ki omogočajo samooskrbo zgradb s sončno energijo v soskladju z javnim elektroenergetskim sistemom in biotehnološkimi sistemi samooskrbe stanovalcev urbanih in ruralnih naselij s sonaravno pridelano hrano. Uresničevanje zastavljenega cilja je omogočeno s samooskrbo zgradbe s sončno energijo v soskladju z javnim elektroenergetskim sistemom, ki je zagotovljena s tehnološko rešitvijo samooskrbe zgradb s sončno in električno energijo, ki temelji na izvedbi prikateri so na strehi zgradbe oz. zgradb na severni strani montirani fotovoltaični hibridni toplotni paneli (1) pod kotom, ki je optimalen za geografsko širino, pri čemer fotovoltaični hibridni toplotni paneli (1) poleti spravljajo toploto v zemljino 5 do 7 metrov globoko tako, da se zemlj