1. A method of forming high NO-containing gas flow to impact on a biological object, comprising the steps of: providing a housing having at least two electrodes placed inside said housing, said electrodes being electrically insulated from each other and the interelectrode space is provided between electrodes provide a channel for the output gas stream from the interelectrode space and directing said NO-containing stream to affect the biological object Cooled said channel to output a gas flow and at least one of said electrodes is formed and maintain the arc discharge of direct current between said at least two electrodes in the interelectrode space to form NO-containing gas stream for fixation of nitrogen oxide in NO- containing gas stream and cooling to a temperature suitable for influencing the biological object, allow passage of NO-containing gas stream on said channel to output gas sweat eye, thus to form an arc discharge between the electrodes of these electrodes provide a constant load voltage, and forming at least one high voltage pulse, in which between the electrodes of a spark discharge, the idling voltage value is selected to provide a transition spark discharge in a stationary arc, the open circuit voltage is selected to be at least 400, and the high-voltage pulse voltage is selected to be at least 5 kV, and the stationary arc a marketing category1. Способ формирования высокоскоростного NO-содержащего газового потока для воздействия на биологический объект, включающий в себя следующие этапы: обеспечивают корпус по меньшей мере с двумя электродами, размещенными внутри упомянутого корпуса, причем упомянутые электроды электрически изолированы друг от друга и между электродами обеспечено межэлектродное пространство, обеспечивают канал для вывода газового потока из межэлектродного пространства и направления указанного NO-содержащего потока для воздействия на биологический объект, охлаждают упомянутый канал для вывода газового потока и по меньшей мере один из