The result concerns a new medical use of hydrostatic water, which affects the fully submerged patient, for use in prevention, physiotherapy, rehabilitation and treatment of diseases,defects and injuries of the bone system, the bone-joint system, the bone-muscle system and other systems, such as the circulatory system, the nervous system, the immune system, as well as pain disorders such as migraines, muscle and nerves, skin diseases, fertility and potency disorders, and overweight, obesity and attitude defect. According to the invention, the hydrostatic water pressure is higher than the 1,05 bar, and the patient is human. The invention is of particular importance in rehabilitation and therapy after aesthetic medicine, surgical procedures,after the injuries to the traffic system. The solution is favourably used in combination with conventional hydrotherapy, manual therapy, kinetic therapy and their combinations. It is particularly advantageous to administer air, a mixture of gases with a composition other than air or pure oxygen (HBO/HBOT oxygen therapy),Additives suitable for the type of disease, such as mineral, gaseous, herbal, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, including bactericidal, may be introduced into the water. The invention also includes a natural or artificial water tank (1),for the use of hydrostatic water, which affects the patient fully immersed in the prevention, physiotherapy, rehabilitation and treatment of the above diseases,injuries and defects, equipped with stationary or portable breathing infrastructure, air and oxygen mixtures or oxygen itself, as well as infrastructure for generating sensory stimuli, including thermal and electrical. This tank is an adaptive tank or a dedicated single- or multi-stage tank.Wynalazek dotyczy nowego medycznego zastosowania wody pod ciśnieniem hydrostatycznym, oddziałującej na organizm pacjenta w pełnym zanurzeniu, do stosowania w profilaktyce, fizjoterapii, rehabilitacji i terapii schorzeń, wad i urazów układu k