It is a kind of to dial the massage armchair for putting the music on and having negative ion-releasing function using bluetooth connection,It is mainly through air bag set by massage armchair to user head,Shoulder,Neck,Back,Waist,Hand,Leg,Sole,Buttocks.. etc. acupuncture point is massaged,Simultaneously user's shoulder is first pulled forward to mention using back air bag and be pushed still further below,It is grabbed with to simulate true man and proposes the movement of massage,And then user's body muscle of releiving is ached or the malaise symptoms of neuroinflammatory etc.,And bluetooth signal is transmitted to audio players with bluetooth transmission device,It is put the music on controlling audio players group with the stress for the user that releives,And transmission bluetooth signal to anion generator generates anion,And penetrate anion and reinforce user's cerebral cortex process of inhibition,Cortical functional is adjusted,And reach it is calm,Hypnosis,Reduce blood pressure,The effect of purifying blood and adjustment autonomic nerve,Simultaneously by anion have reinforce kidney,Liver,Brain,The characteristic of the tissue oxidizings process such as adrenal gland,Promote synthesis and vitamin storage in vivo,Improve the functions such as user's basic metabolism and protein metabolism.一種利用藍芽連接撥放音樂並具釋放負離子功能的按摩椅,其主要係透過按摩椅所設之氣囊對使用者頭部、肩、頸、背、腰、手、腿、腳底、臀部...等處穴位進行按摩,同時利用背部氣囊對使用者肩部先往前拉提再向下推壓,以模擬真人抓提按摩的動作,進而舒緩使用者身體肌肉痠痛或神經發炎等的不適症狀,並以藍芽傳輸設備傳輸藍芽訊號至音樂撥放器,以控制音樂撥放器撥放音樂以舒緩使用者的精神壓力,以及傳輸藍芽訊號至負離子產生器產生負離子,而透過負離子加強使用者大腦皮層抑制過程,調整腦皮層功能,而達到鎮靜、催眠、降低血壓、淨化血液及調整自律神經之功效,同時藉由負離子具備加強腎、肝、腦、腎上腺等組織氧化過程之特性,促進體內合成與儲存維生素,提高使用者基礎代謝和蛋白質代謝等功能。