Provided is a device to aid in transdermal patch application that allows application of a transdermal patch on the affected area without wrinkling and easy peeling of the transdermal patch release liner. Said transdermal patch application aid is provided with a plate comprising a transdermal patch holder whereon the transdermal patch (16) is loaded and held. The transdermal patch holder is bendable so that it can lay flat or form an angle and is provided with a retention means for keeping the transdermal patch holder bent in the angled form. With said configuration, when a transdermal patch is loaded on the transdermal patch holder that has been bent into the angled form, the ridge of the angle presses the release liner separating line, facilitating peeling thereof. When same occurs, wrinkles are not formed because the transdermal patch support is held by the transdermal patch holder.本發明,是可將黏貼劑沒有皺紋地黏貼在患部,並可容易剝離黏貼劑的剝離薄片的黏貼劑黏貼用輔助器具。該黏貼劑黏貼用輔助器具,是具備具有載置黏貼劑(16)並予以保持的黏貼劑保持部的板狀體者,黏貼劑保持部是形成可在平坦狀與山形之間彎折,黏貼劑保持部設有維持被彎折成山形的狀態用的維持手段。這類的構成中,將黏貼劑放置在被彎折呈山形的黏貼劑保持部時,以山形的稜線部分按著剝離薄片的切斷線,則其剝離變的容易。又,此時,由於黏貼劑的支撐體是以黏貼劑保持部被保持,所以不會產生皺紋。10...黏貼劑黏貼用輔助器具12a...中間剝離薄片12b...左右的剝離薄片12c...左右的剝離薄片16...黏貼劑18...支撐體20...板狀體24...黏貼劑保持部26...手拿部28...開口30...折痕線34...稜線部分