The three-pipe drainage system installed in the pond of aquaculture system has one side deposit, at least the first chamber, which obtains fluid from the side deposit of the pond, a vertical pipe, and a Conico sewer centered on the pipe. There's also a solid outlet close to the garbage can in the sewer.
Triple Drainage device to be installed in a Pond of a system of AquacultureIt has a Warehouse side with at least a First compartment that receives a FLUID FLOW in a Reservoir side of the Pond, a vertical Tube,Sink installed concentrically in a Conical Tube and a Solid Exit near a Vertex of the sump.Aparato de triple drenaje para ser instalado en un estanque de un sistema de acuicultura, posee un depósito lateral con al menos un primer compartimiento que recibe una corriente de fluido de un depósito lateral del estanque, un tubo vertical, un sumidero cónico instalado concentricamente en el tubo y una salida de sólidos cercana a un vértice del sumidero.