Patent No. 588549 Disclosed is a device comprising a. a stent; b. a plurality of layers that form a laminate coating on said stent; wherein at least two of said layers comprise a bioabsorbable polymer and at least one of said layers comprises an active agents; wherein at least a portion of the active agent is in crystalline form, and wherein said device provides an in vitro elution profile in which about 5% to about 25% of the active agent is eluted one day after the device is contacted with elution media, wherein said plurality of layers comprises a first polymer layer comprising the first bioabsorbable polymer and a second polymer layer comprising a second bioabsorbable polymer, wherein said at least one layer comprising said pharmaceutical agent is between said first polymer layer and said second polymer layer, wherein said second polymer layer has at least one contact point with at least one particle of said pharmaceutical agent in said pharmaceutical agent layer and said second polymer layer has at least one contact point with said first polymer layer.