The present invention provides an accommodative intraocular lens (AIOL) system and method for improving accommodation with an intraocular lens. The method involves insertion into the capsular bag of a flexible optic holder comprising a plurality of haptics configured to allow the capsular bag to be sectioned at regular intervals following fusion of the capsular bag. The haptics of the optic holder are designed to allow maximum fusion of the anterior and posterior leaves of the capsular bag following placement of the optic holder in the capsular bag. Following introduction of the optic holder into the capsular bag, the natural or assisted process of fibrosis/fusion of the capsular bag occurs, thereby sealing and securely capturing the haptics within the capsular bag. Subsequently, several cuts are made in the fibrotic capsular bag at intervals between haptics, allowing the haptics to move independently, thereby effectively restoring some of the flexibility that the capsule possessed prior to fibrosis and restoring some of the zonular force on the capsule.