ГОНСАЛЕС Хэмилтон Э. (US),СВЭЙЗИ Джеффри С. (US),КРОППЕР Майкл С. (US),ШЕЙБ Чарльз Дж. (US),ШЕЛТОН Фредерик Э. IV (US),ДЖОНСОН Грегори В. (US)
1. The cassette assembly with fastening elements for a surgical instrument, comprising: a compensator thickness of the fabric comprising: a first compensation layer, a second compensation layer iuglublenie disposed between the first layer and the second compensating compensating layer ikrepezhny element movable between a rest position and an activated position, wherein the fastening element is arranged to pass through the recess and compress at least a portion of the compensator tissue thickness when moving the fixing member in its activated polozhenie.2. Cartridge assembly according to claim fasteners. 1, wherein the recess is compressed by moving the fastening element in its activated polozhenie.3. Node cassette fasteners according to claim 1 or 2, wherein the thickness of the fabric compensator comprises a support member disposed in the recess, and wherein the support element has a geometrical shape selected from the group comprising: a support bar centered position with one fold. a supporting bar with one of the noncentral folded position elliptical support bar supporting bar with a lot of bends and a symmetrical dual console supporting perekladinu.4. Cartridge assembly according to claim fasteners. 3, wherein the support member is adapted to deformation when moving the fixing member in its activated polozhenie.5. Cartridge assembly according to claim fasteners. 1, wherein the first compensating layer comprises a first tab projecting into the recess of the first longitudinal side of the first compensating sloya.6. Cartridge assembly according to claim fasteners. 5, wherein the second computer1. Узел кассеты с крепежными элементами для хирургического инструмента, содержащий:компенсатор толщины ткани, содержащий:первый компенсирующий слойвторой компенсирующий слой иуглубление, расположенное между первым компенсирующим слоем и вторым компенсирующим слоем икрепежный элемент, выполненный с возможностью перемещения между исходным положением и активированным положением