The present invention relates to a new and improved low-concentrationformulation of an active enamel substance, such as an enamel matrix, enamelmatrix derivative and/or an enamel matrix protein, intended to be used astherapeutic, as prophylactic and/or as cosmetic agent. In the presentinvention, said active enamel substance is incorporated into a polymericmatrix, which is either suitable for cellular in-growth, or cell-occlusive.The active enamel substance can be incorporated into the polymeric matrix sothat it is released by degradation of the polymeric matrix, by enzymaticaction and/or by diffusion. Comprised in the invention is thus in particular anew pharmaceutical and/or cosmetic formulation of an active enamel substanceat a lower total concentration within the formulation, wherein a spatialand/or selective regulation of release of said active enamel substance permitsa greater percentage of the active enamel substance to be released at the timeof appropriate cellular activity.