The present invention relates to a single-use sterile product which can be used in conventional in vitro fertilization (IVF) method for patients admitted to assisted- reproductive technology (ART) centers for IVF and is manufactured from non -toxic polystyrene plastic material. As is known, for couples to have a baby naturally, the egg cells (oocytes) in the fallopian tubes must be fertilized by good swimmer sperm cells having normal morphology after they pass through female s genital tract. Assisted reproductive centers provide opportunity for married couples that do not naturally have this chance. Microinjection (ICSI) or Conventional-IVF methods are used in IVF centers. In ICSI, the Injection procedure, where the best sperms chosen by the embryologists are injected into the egg, is performed under an inverted microscope having micromanipulator mechanism. Conventional IVF ½ based on creating a medium where the egg and sperm cells of couples can contact with each other. The similar inventions/technologies/products that are going to be described may be either the innovations disclosed in the patent application/document or the techniques that are not disclosed but available in the markets. The oocytes are collected from female patients via the OPU (oocyte pick-up) procedure under general anesthesia by an experienced physician. Some of the collected oocytes are placed into the bottom of each of two egg wells (3) on the apparatus using a pipe. Thereafter, following necessary sperm washing procedures, certain amount of sperm sample taken from the spouse of the female Is precisely placed into the sperm well (4) in its purest form. The fastest (good swimmer) sperms in the sample placed into the sperm well (4) are expected to reach to the egg wells (3) by passing through the T-shaped canal, Cumulus cells that surround the eggs release hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid creates a chemical effect for sperms to move towards to that direction In this apparatus, sperms follow a w