(1) Technical fieldA. It improves the inconvenience of packing pots by packing the soil that enters the indoor garden into the standardized frame.N. Several potted water basins are unified into one, so that the water drained from the pots can be discarded at once.(2) Challenges to be solvedA. In the existing indoor garden, the plastic wrapping paper should be filled with soil and masato, which are packed in large quantities, and the pots must be filled with soil. In addition to the heavy weight, the soil which has fallen on the floor during the filling of the pots must be cleaned There was an inconvenience.N. The potted water basin used in the existing indoor garden is made up of one flower pot, so it was inconvenient to remove each water basin from the pot and go back and forth several times.(3) Solution to the problemA. It puts the soil that enters the pots in a standardized frame and reduces the weight, making it easy for anyone to lift. The dirt packed in the frame makes it compatible with the indoor garden when it is installed. Then there is no dirt or dirt on the floor, so there is no dirt on the floor.N. The water drained from the pots is collected in one place, and the collected water is collected into a single water bottle, and the water drained from the flowerpot is discharged only once.(4) Effects, etc.A. If you make potted plants in 2 or 3 stages, the space utilization will increase and the amount of vegetables produced will increase, which can help the household economy.N. You can save expensive construction costs for indoor gardening.C. In the process of standardizing the soil, new job creation and employment increase can be achieved.D. You can contribute to the income increase of the farm household by activating the vegetable seed sale market or the vegetable seed market.(1) 기술분야ㄱ. 실내 텃밭에 들어가는 흙을 규격화된 틀에 포장하여 화분을 분갈이해야 하는 불편함을 개선합니다.ㄴ. 여러 개의 화분 물 받침을 한 개로 통일하여 화분에서 배수된 물을 단 한 번에 버릴 수 있도록 한다.(2) 해결하려는 과제ㄱ. 기존의 실내 텃밭은 비닐로 된 포장지에 많은 양이 포장된 흙과 마사토를 사용하여 화