or downsized a curved portion, in order to provide a manipulator which can be or simplify the internal structure of the bending portion, the manipulator 100 of the present invention, the insertable insertion portion into a body cavity, said and capable of moving parts to move in any direction disposed in the insertion portion distal end, a driving unit provided on the base end side of the insertion portion, is connected to the drive unit, disposed in said insertion portion a first elongate member which is displaced based on an operation of the drive unit, unlike the first elongate member, a second elongated member end is connected to the movable portion, in association with the displacement of the first elongated member, together promote the displacement of the second elongate member has with respect to the first displacement amount of said first elongate member, a speed reduction mechanism 30 for reducing the second displacement of the second elongate member.湾曲部を小型化したり、湾曲部の内部の構成を単純化したりすることが可能なマニピュレータを提供するために、本発明のマニピュレータ100は、体腔内に挿入可能な挿入部と、前記挿入部先端に配設された任意の方向に動かすことが可能な可動部と、前記挿入部の基端側に設けられる駆動部と、前記駆動部と接続され、前記挿入部の中に配置され、前記駆動部の動作に基づいて変位する第1細長部材と、前記第1細長部材と異なり、末端が前記可動部に接続された第2細長部材と、前記第1細長部材の変位に伴い、前記第2細長部材の変位を促すと共に、前記第1細長部材の第1変位量に対して、前記第2細長部材の第2変位量を小さくする減速機構30と、を有する。