Гербицидная суспензия сульфонилмочевины на водной основе, способ уничтожения нежелательных растений или ингибирования их роста и способ стабилизации гербицидного соединения сульфонилмочевины
The invention relates to a water-based herbicidal suspension, a method for controlling undesired plants or inhibiting their growth and a method for stabilizing the herbicidal sulfonylurea compound.The water-based herbicidal suspension comprises (1) a herbicidal sulfonylurea compound representing at least one member selected from the group consisting of nicosulfuron and flazasulfuron or its salt, (2) an inorganic salt, (3) at least one sulfonate selected from the group consisting of an aryl sulfonate, an alkylaryl sulfonate and their formaldehyde condensates and (4) water.The method for controlling undesired plants or inhibiting their growth includes application of a herbicidally effective amount of the water-based herbicidal suspension, according to the invention, to the undesired plants or to a place where they grow.The method for stabilizing the herbicidal sulfonylurea compound representing at least one member selected from the group consisting of nicosulfuron and flazasulfuron or its salt in the water-based herbicidal suspension includes use of an inorganic salt and at least one sulfonate selected from the group consisting of an aryl sulfonate, an alkylaryl sulfonate and their formaldehyde condensates.Invenţia se referă la o suspensie erbicidă pe bază de apă, un procedeu de combatere a plantelor nedorite sau inhibare a creşterii lor şi la un procedeu de stabilizare a compusului erbicid de sulfoniluree.Suspensia erbicidă pe bază de apă conţine (1) un compus erbicid de sulfoniluree care reprezintă cel puţin un element selectat din grupul compus din nicosulfuron, flazasulfuron sau o sare a lor, (2) o sare anorganică, (3) cel puţin un sulfonat, selectat din grupul compus dintr-un arilsulfonat, un alchilarilsulfonat şi condensaţi formaldehidici ai lor, şi (4) apă.Procedeul de combatere a plantelor nedorite sau inhibare a creşterii lor include aplicarea unei cantităţi efective din punct de vedere erbicid a suspensiei erbicide pe bază de apă, conform invenţiei, pe plant