One embodiment of an aspect of the present invention is a method for lessening the symptoms of mental and behavioral disorders including depressive disorders; bipolar disorders; anxiety disorders; obsessive-compulsive disorders; substance use disorder; trauma- and stressor-related disorders; and disruptive, impulsive-control, and conduct disorders comprising the step of administering a therapeutically effective quantity of a cholinergic M1 receptor antagonist and a therapeutically effective quantity of one or more cholinomimetic agents to lessen the symptoms of such mental and behavioral disorders. Typically, the cholinergic M1 receptor antagonist is selected from the group consisting of telenzepine, amytriptyline, biperiden, trihexyphenidyl, darifenacin, dicyclomine, and tiotropium. Another aspect of the present invention is directed to methods and compositions employing other therapeutic agents and combinations of therapeutic agents for emulating the theoretical pharmacological effects of the non-selective mAChR antagonist scopolamine. The invention also encompasses pharmaceutical compositions incorporating one or more therapeutic agents and a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier.本發明之一種態樣的一個具體例為用於減輕包含憂鬱症;雙極性障礙;焦慮症;強迫症;物質濫用障礙;與創傷和壓力相關的異常;以及破壞性、衝動控制及行為規範障礙症之心理及行為異常的症狀的方法,包括投藥治療有效量之膽鹼性M1受體拮抗劑以及治療有效量之一種或多種之擬膽鹼作用劑以減輕該等心理及行為異常的症狀。典型地,該膽鹼性M1受體拮抗劑係選自替侖西平、阿米替林、吡哌立登、三己芬迪、達非那新、待克明以及噻托溴銨所組成群組。本發明之另一態樣係關於應用其他治療劑與用於仿效非選擇性mAChR拮抗劑東莨菪鹼的理論上藥理效果的治療劑的組合的方法與組成物。本發明也涵括併入一種或多種之治療劑與醫藥可接受載劑之醫藥組成物。