The invention relates to a biocompatible resorbable porous material product and to a process for preparing the same. According to the invention, the product comprises 30...40% cationic liposomes, 1...10% arnica or stinging nettle extract containing 5...20 mg/ml of polyphenols and/or 1...10 mg/ml of polysaccharides, 30...45% acido-soluble collagen of the type II and 20...30% chondroitin sulphate, the parts being expressed by weight. The process claimed by the invention consists in mixing 30...60 parts of composition I comprising a solution of 5...15% liposomes in which 1...10% plant extract were embedded with 40...70% parts of composition II comprising 50...70% viscous collagen solution in a concentration of 5...20 mg/ml and 30...50% aqueous chondroitin sulphate solution in a concentration of 10...20 mg/ml, the two compositions being mixed while vigorously stirring for 30...60 min, after which the resulting gel is lyophilized at a temperature of -20...-40°C, is dried at 20...30°C for 36...72 h, the resulting porous material is cut in uniformly-sized pieces and is sterilized with &gamma radiation.Invenţia se referă la un produs sub formă de material poros, biocompatibil şi resorbabil, şi la un procedeu de obţinere a acestuia. Produsul conform invenţiei este constituit din 30...40% lipozomi cationici, 1...10% extract de arnică şi/sau urzică, conţinând 5...20 mg/ml polifenoli şi/sau 1...10 mg/mlpolizaharide, 30...45% colagen acido-solubil de tip II şi 20...30% sulfat de condroitin, părţile fiind exprimate în greutate. Procedeul conform invenţiei constă din amestecarea a 30...60 părţi compoziţie I, constând dintr-o soluţie formată din 5...15% lipozomi în care s-au înglobat 1...10% extract de plante, cu 40...70 părţi compoziţie II, constând din 50...70% soluţie vâscoasă de colagen cu concentraţie 5...20 mg/ml, şi 30...50% soluţie apoasă de sulfat de condroitin de concentraţie 10...20 mg/ml, cele două compoziţii se amestecă, cu agitare puternică, timp de 30...60 min, g