ПАПАК Майкл Джеймс (US),ЯДЛОВСКИ Майкл Дж. (US),ХЬЮКУЛАК Джон Кристофер (US)
1. Ophthalmic endozond, soderzhaschiyrukoyatku coupled to the cannula assembly having a longitudinal axis, the cannula assembly includes an inner tube concentric with the outer tube wherein the handle further soderzhitdvigatel actuated by fluid under pressure, wherein the motor provides movement of the output shaft isistemu transmission shaft for transmitting the motion to the cannula assembly transmission prichemsistema provides mutually opposite rotational movement of the inner tube and the outer tube about the longitudinal axis kanyuli.2. Ophthalmic endozond according to Claim. 1, wherein the engine comprises a mechanical piston, movable by fluid davleniem.3. Ophthalmic endozond according to Claim. 1, wherein the transmission system comprises a gear wheel, a reciprocating movement and having a rotatable shaft on the piston only in one direction about the axis kanyul.4-tubes. Ophthalmic endozond according to Claim. 1, wherein the transmission system comprises a worm gear koleso.5. Ophthalmic endozond according to Claim. 1, wherein the transmission system comprises a toothed spline koleso.6. Ophthalmic endozond according to Claim. 1 wherein sistemaperedachi comprises unilateral podshipnik.7. . Ophthalmic endozond according to claim 1, wherein the engine comprises at least two piston engine and, in addition, the transmission system comprises unbound gears for independently controlling the drive of the inner tube and the outer trubki.8. Ophthalmic endozond claim. 2, wherein the transmission system converts the movement of the piston into rotational movement of the shaft using Cr1. Офтальмологический эндозонд, содержащийрукоятку, соединенную с узлом канюль, имеющим продольную ось, при этом узел канюль содержит внутреннюю трубку, концентричную с внешней трубкой причем рукоятка дополнительно содержитдвигатель, приводимый в действие текучей средой под давлением, причем двигатель обеспечивает движение передаточного вала исистему передачи для передачи движения вала в узел