Under the climatic conditions of our country, the heating of the greenhouse for crop cultivation is intensively needed in winter, and the solar heating system is used as an auxiliary facility for the heating equipment which uses fuel such as oil and electricity, which is the main heating system. In order to equip the greenhouse''s heating facilities based on the proper efficiency in winter, the installation is based on the production limit of the high temperature heat medium due to the short amount of sunshine and low outside temperature, and the provision of a heat storage tank that stores the heat medium for use in the time when it cannot be collected. The cost burden and heat loss through heat storage tanks and plumbing also contribute to lowering the efficiency of greenhouse heating using solar heat. In winter, the facilities are relatively large in sunshine and needlessly large capacity from spring to autumn. It is becoming a greenhouse heating facility using solar heat. As mentioned above, heating coils and heat storage materials are provided on the bottom of the greenhouse to heat the greenhouses efficiently and at low cost, and the heat is heated through the heat medium while the solar heat is collected. If heat is accumulated during a time when it is impossible to collect heat, the heat is naturally radiated through the inside of the greenhouse over time, and the heating is performed. Therefore, the heat inside the greenhouse and the heat storage tank and piping are not possible when no heat is collected. Electricity, the main greenhouse heater, also eliminates most of the heat loss problem. This leads to shrinking of devices that use fuel such as oil, thereby saving fuel in these devices.우리 나라의 기후조건에서 작물 재배용 온실의 난방은 겨울철에 집중적으로 필요하고 태양열을 이용한 난방설비는 주 난방설비인 오일.전기 등 연료를 사용하는 난방기기의 보조적인 설비로서 활용되고 있는데 태양열을 이용하여 온실의 난방설비를 겨울철의 적정한 효율성에 기준으로 설비하기 위해서는 짧은 일조량과 낮은 외부기온 등으로 고온의 열 매체의 생산 한계와 집열이 불가능한 시간에 사용하기 위한 열 매체를 저장하는 축열조의 구비에 따르는 설치비용 부담과 축열조와 배관을 통한 열 손실 문제도 태양