A portable smart gateway provides healthcare vital signs collection via wireless connection. This creation includes at least one signal receiving module for receiving measuring values of medical devices via wireless method. A micro control unit uses for managing previous data and write to storage unit, and those data will be encrypted then passed through signal transmitting module to data storage server. This creation also connects At least one identity distinguishing device uses for catching identifying characters from users and medical devices, a display unit for vital signs shown-off in terms of verifying with data on medical devices, history data inquiry and gateway easily operation. The power supply unit lets portable caring duty be feasible and won’t stop measuringjobs if Wi-Fi is not available.一種以無線聯結方式提供健康照護生理訊號收集需求的可攜帶型智慧型閘道器。本創作包括至少一個訊號接收模組以無線方式接收來自醫療器材的量測值,一個微控制單元來處理前述資料並寫入儲存單元,亦將資料經過加密後透過訊號傳送通訊模組送到資料伺服器中儲存,本創作連接的身份辨識裝置用以獲取使用者與醫療器材辨識特徵,連接的顯示單元作為生理量測值的顯示便於與醫療器材上的數值比對與歷史資料查詢與閘道器以及方便操作,另連接的電源供應單元可使攜帶閘道器做護理值勤更方便,亦可在沒有無線網路下量測值不致遺失或無法操作。10‧‧‧可攜式生理訊號無線收集與儲存之智慧型閘道器11‧‧‧訊號接收模組12‧‧‧身份辨識裝置13‧‧‧微控制單元14‧‧‧儲存單元15‧‧‧顯示模組16‧‧‧訊號傳送通信模組17‧‧‧電源供應單元20‧‧‧醫療器材21‧‧‧無線訊號傳送模組50‧‧‧資料伺服器