In one Seed intelligent cupping system System, intelligent cupping system System, pulls out at least physiology Ginseng Number sense Measuring devices that tank Installed is set and set one people Body of what with Let, use the Complex Number Ge physiology Ginseng Number values of sense Measuring people Body. Warning Mo Group Let have an at least Jing Shi Door Sill values, lack a Yi person Da The at least Jing Shi Door Sill Zhi Time , Hair to the Zhi in a little physiology Ginseng Number values of The and send out a warning letter No.. Tong Xin Mo Group send out a little physiology Ginseng Number values of The to Jie Shou And Pass. Ba Guan Installed this Body of Zhi include an at least cupping cup, a The at least Ba Guan Bei Department Yong Yi Let set Yu Ren Body , And by Ba Guan Installed Zhi this Body Touch Hair and one Ba Guan of Right Ren Body Executive rows ?make Like states. Tong Xin Installed, which are set, shows a little physiology Ginseng Number values of The to Jie Shou And 顯. Wherein, Ba Guan Installed Zhi this Body receive warning Xin No. Time , Department stop Ba Guan ?make Like states.一種智慧型拔罐系統,智慧型拔罐系統中,拔罐裝置之至少一生理參數感測器用以設置於一人體,藉以感測人體之複數個生理參數值。警示模組設有至少一警示門檻值,用以在該些生理參數值中之至少一者達該至少一警示門檻值時,發送出一警示信號。通信模組用以接收並傳送出該些生理參數值。拔罐裝置本體包含至少一拔罐杯,該至少一拔罐杯係用以設置於人體,並受拔罐裝置本體觸發而對人體執行一拔罐運作狀態。通信裝置用以接收並顯示該些生理參數值。其中,在拔罐裝置本體接收到警示信號時,係停止拔罐運作狀態。1‧‧‧智慧型拔罐系統11‧‧‧拔罐裝置111‧‧‧生理參數感測器112‧‧‧警示模組113‧‧‧通信模組114‧‧‧拔罐裝置本體1141‧‧‧拔罐杯12‧‧‧通信裝置S1‧‧‧警示信號