Seeder (1) comprising a chassis (2) with a substantially horizontal transverse beam (3) on which seeding elements (4) are regularly distributed, said transverse beam (3) having a central section (5) and two sections lateral (6) disposed on either side of said central section in a working position, and being substantially elevated above said central section (5) in a transport position, each lateral section (6) being attached to said chassis (2) by means of a respective arm (7) and being movable transversely and vertically with respect to said chassis (2) by a deformable mechanism (8) governed by a maneuvering cylinder (9), a deformable mechanism being displaced with respect to the other deformable mechanism, taking into account the direction of advance (A), characterized in that each deformable mechanism (8) has a connecting rod (10) attached to a crank (11) by means of a substantially horizontal axis articulation (12) and parallel to the direction of advance (A), and because at least one articulation (12) extends beyond the middle vertical plane (13) of the seeder (1), in the transport position.Sembradora (1) que comprende un chasis (2) con una viga transversal (3) sustancialmente horizontal sobre la que están repartidos regularmente unos elementos de siembra (4), presentando dicha viga transversal (3) un tramo central (5) y dos tramos laterales (6) dispuestos a uno y otro lado de dicho tramo central en una posición de trabajo, y estando elevados sustancialmente por encima de dicho tramo central (5) en una posición de transporte, estando cada tramo lateral (6) unido a dicho chasis (2) mediante un respectivo brazo (7) y siendo desplazable transversal y verticalmente con respecto a dicho chasis (2) mediante un mecanismo deformable (8) gobernado por un cilindro de maniobra (9), estando un mecanismo deformable desplazado con respecto al otro mecanismo deformable, teniendo en cuenta la dirección de avance (A), caracterizada porque cada mecanismo deformable (8) presenta u