Federalnoe gosudarstvennoe avtonomnoe uchrezhdenie "Natsionalnyj meditsinskij issledovatelskij tsentr "Mezhotraslevoj nauchno-tekhnicheskij kompleks "Mikrokhirurgiya glaza" imeni akademika S.N. Fedoro
Fokin Viktor Petrovich (RU),Фокин Виктор Петрович (RU),Guro Marina Yurevna (RU),Гуро Марина Юрьевна (RU),Khzardzhan Yuliya Yurevna (RU),Хзарджан Юлия Юрьевна (RU),Potapova Vera Nikolaevna (RU),Потапов
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention refers to medicine, namely to ophthalmology. There are localized edema and its height with the help of optical coherent tomography and when obtaining an edema height value not exceeding 500 mcm according to optical coherence tomography. Edema zones are treated with a laser at wave length 532 nm. Laser power is selected in the area of the neuroepithelium edema, which is as far as possible from the foveolar avascular zone in the area of the vascular arcade. Laser coagulator Quantel Medical Supra with wave length 532 nm is used for application of laser applicators. Laser applicators are applied in micro-pulse mode with parameters: spot diameter of 100 mcm, porosity of 5 %, exposure of 0.1 s to weak reaction of retina in the form of easy whitening in laser application point. Then power is reduced to disappearance of retinal coagulation reaction. Further, the obtained power is used in laser treatment in a subthreshold microimpulsive mode of operation. At the first stage, the neuroepithelial edema zones are exposed to the non-capturing foveolar avascular zone of the selected laser power. In the foveolar avascular zone, power for laser exposure is reduced by 40–50 % of the selected one. Month after the laser treatment, a second stage of laser treatment is detected by means of optical coherent tomography of the macular edema. If observing a decrease in the height of the neuroepithelium edema by more than 50 mcm from the height of the edema at the beginning of the treatment, the laser treatment power used at the second stage is reduced by 50 % as compared to that in the first stage. If the edema height is reduced by less than 50 mcm, the power is reduced by 30 % and the zones of the detected residual neuroepithelial edema are treated. If the residual edema of the neuroepithelium covers the foveolar avascular area, the area is exposed to laser exposure with a power reduced by 30 % relative to the power of the laser exposure used to treat t